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Toll Free :1800-233-1419
Institute Code : D-6436
Shri Shamrao Patil Yadravkar Educational & Charitable Trust’s  

Sharad Institute Of Technology, Polytechnic

NBA Accredited Programs, An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute.
Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Recognized by DTE, Mumbai (Govt. of Maharashtra) Affiliated to MSBTE Mumbai.
MSBTE Code : 0968, DTE Code : D-6436


Library Details :

Our library is well maintained and well furnished. Total 65103 books including S.I.T and SWD book bank books are available in our library. We have almost 45886 books 4494 Titles for circulation section. We have recently subscribed 12 Magazines and 24 National. We have also multiple copies of National journals, Regional Local Newspapers and Magazines. We provided book bank facility in our college. There are 19217 books available under book bank scheme. Library issue book set under book bank scheme including Toppers and other students and SC caste students. The total management of Library is done through SLIM software. We have a specious library hall having reading room for students. Environment of our library as reading room is very silent and useful for study.

Digital Library facility is available in our library. Library is having membership of Delnet and NDL [National Digital Library].
Library Rules & Regulations:
General Rules:
Identity Card is compulsory for getting access to the library
Silence to be maintained
No discussion permitted inside the library
Registration should be done to become a library member prior to using the library resources
No personal belongings allowed inside the library
Textbooks, printed materials and issued books are not allowed to be taken inside the library
Using Mobile phones and audio instruments with or without speaker or headphone is strictly prohibited in the library premises.
Enter your name and Sign in the register kept at the entrance counter before entering library
Show the books and other materials which are being taken out of the library to the staff at the entrance counter.
The librarian may recall any book from any member at any time and the member shall return the same immediately.
Library borrower cards are not transferable. The borrower is responsible for the books Borrowed on his/her card.
Refreshment of any kind shall not be taken anywhere in the library premises.
Admission to Library:

Students are allowed to library only on production of their authorized/valid Identity Cards

Circulation Issue System :

Books will be issued on presentation of the library card along with the ID card. Students are instructed to check the books while borrowing and they will be responsible for any type of damage or mutilation noticed at the time of return.

Overdue Charges :

Materials borrowed should be returned on or before the due date stamped, if returned late overdue fine will be charged for the delayed period.

Book Lost :

If the books are lost, Then the borrower shall replace the books of the same edition or latest edition or pay double cost of the book after getting permission from the librarian.

Care of library borrower cards :

Take special care to maintain the library borrower cards.
Do not fold, alter entries made on the cards, Members are responsible for the entire set of library borrower card issued to them.

Loss of cards :

Loss of borrower card should be reported to the librarian. Duplicate card may be issued against formal application and fine.

Validity of cards :

Library borrower cards are valid for the entire duration of the course to access library facilities At the end of the course borrower cards shall be returned to the library.

Care of Library Books :

Students are require to handle the books/ Journal very carefully; marking with pencil , writing or highlighting , tearing the pages or mutilating the same in any other way will be viewed very seriously. In such case reader shall be held responsible unless these are brought to the notice of the library staff at the time of issue.

Book bank :

S.I.T Book bank Scheme and SWD [ Social Welfare Department ] students and of college can become a member of the book bank giving full duration of Semester . Members of the book bank will be issued books for each semester. Book shall be returned within two days after the theory examination, otherwise a fine of Rs.1/- per day will be charged.

Journal Section :

In these section journals, general magazines are available. They are arranged by Department wise.. The latest issues are displayed on display rack and other previous issues are arranged in the drawer. Bound volumes of periodicals are arranged in rack alphabetically and are meat only for reference within the library.

Library Services:

Book Circulation Service
Reference service
Book Bank scheme
Journals & magazine section
Newspaper section
Digital Library
Previous Year Question Papers
Reprographic services
Journals Back Volumes


Developing Library Network (DELNET)/Inter Library Loan:

Which is a network of 1000 institutions and access is being given to more than 60 lakh records through online systems. Delnet has been actively engaged with the compilation of various union catalogue of the resources available in member libraries. It has already created the union catalogue of books, union list of current periodicals, CD ROM database. DELNET provides an array of facilities including E mail to its member libraries including both institutional and associate institutional members. It has indeed been a big leap towards the modernization of libraries in India.

To facilitate efficient and effective searching of information through the various online database and union catalogue, the NIE Library has taken membership of DELNET, New Delhi. The DELNET provides the delivery of individual books as and when required by member libraries and photocopies of articles published in India and abroad through the Inter Library Loan/Document Delivery Services.

Click onto DELNET online

[ Old Portal ]

Login – mhsitpk

Password – sit6801

Slim Software

-> OPAC Search

-> http:lib/w27

Our library is well maintained and well furnished. Total 65103 books including S.I.T and SWD book bank books are available in our library. We have almost 45886 books 4494 Titles for circulation section. We have recently subscribed 12 Magazines and 24 National. We have also multiple copies of National journals, Regional Local Newspapers and Magazines. We provided book bank facility in our college. There are 19217 books available under book bank scheme. Library issue book set under book bank scheme including Toppers and other students and SC caste students. The total management of Library is done through SLIM software. We have a specious library hall having reading room for students. Environment of our library as reading room is very silent and useful for study.

Digital Library facility is available in our library. Library is having membership of Delnet and NDL [National Digital Library].

Library Book Details:

1Mechanical860 | 158373 | 12
2Civil593 | 74303 | 12
3Com / I.T1114 | 114956 | 24
4E&TC630 | 83643 | 12
5Electrical400 | 61593 | 12
6Mechronics3 | 303 | --
7Sci & Hum513 | 151083 | --
8Other381 | 6801 | --
9Total4494 | 6510325 | 612

Library Holding:

Sr.NoLibrary DetailsTotal
1Regular books45886
2S.I.T book-bank15810
3SWD book bank3407
4Total books65103
5Slim software1
7International Journal6
8E books3500
10Delnet library networkYes
12National Digital Library [NDL ]Yes
13Bond volume Journals Magazines223

Library Investment Details:

Sr.NoLibrary DetailsTotalAmount
1Total books6510311843891/-
2Slim software11,14,048/-
5New Paper725000/-

Ms.Yashashri s.Hajare


Qualification : M.A., M.Lib.
Experience : 14 Years
E-Mail :
Contact No. : 2322 -253056  /  8600727120

Sr. No.Name of The StaffDesignation
1Mrs Hajare Yashashri SatishFirst Shift Librarian
2Mr. Udgave Jitendra GundaPeon